Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Teachers Should Report Suspected Abuse of Children

How Teachers Should Report Suspected Abuse of Children Teachers are state-mandated reporters  meaning that if they observe signs of suspected child abuse or neglect, they are legally required to take action and report your suspicions to the proper authorities, usually Child Protective Services. Although situations like these are challenging for all parties involved, its important to have your students best interests in mind and to act in accordance with your districts and states requirements. Heres how you should proceed. 1. Do Your Research You need to take action at the first sign of trouble. If this is your first time reporting suspected abuse or you are working in a new school district, arm yourself with information. You must follow the requirements specific to your school and state. All 50 of the United States require your compliance. So go online and find your states site for Child Protective Services, or similar. Read about how to file your report and make a plan of action. 2. Dont Second-Guess Yourself Unless you witness abuse firsthand, you can never be 100% certain about what occurs in a childs home. But dont let that sliver of doubt cloud your judgment to the point where you ignore your legal responsibility. Even if you simply suspect a problem, you must report it. You can clarify in your report that you suspect abuse, but are not certain. Know that your report will be treated with care so that the family will not know who filed it. The government experts will know how best to proceed, and you must trust their ability to weed through the suspicions and find out the truth. 3. Keep a Watchful Eye on Your Student   If you suspect that one of your students is in a vulnerable situation, make sure to pay special attention to his or her behavior, needs, and schoolwork. Notice any major changes in his or her habits. Of course, you wouldnt want to go overboard by coddling the child or making excuses for poor behavior. However, it is important to remain vigilant and report any further suspicions to authorities again, as many times as is necessary in order to protect the childs well being. 4. Follow the Progress Familiarize yourself with the long-term procedures that Child Protective Services will follow with the family in question. Introduce yourself to the caseworker, and ask for updates on what conclusions are reached and which actions are taken to help the family. The government agents will work with the family to provide supportive services, such as counseling, in order to guide them along the path to being better caretakers. The last resort is to remove the child from his or her home. 5. Remain Committed to Protecting Children Dealing with child abuse, suspected or confirmed, is one of the most serious and stressful parts of being a classroom teacher. No matter how unpleasant the experience may be for you, dont let the process deter you from reporting each and every case of suspected abuse that you observe during your time in this profession. Not only is it your legal obligation, but you can rest easily at night knowing that you took the tough actions required to protect the students under your care. Tips Document all of your concerns, with dates and times, in order to support your claims.Gather tips and support from veteran colleagues.Procure the support of your principal and ask him or her for advice if needed.Remain confident that you are doing the right thing, no matter how hard it may be.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Meiosis Study Guide, Overview and Diagrams

Meiosis Study Guide, Overview and Diagrams Overview of Meiosis Meiosis is a two-part cell division process in organisms that sexually reproduce. Meiosis produces gametes with one half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. In some respects, meiosis is very similar to the process of mitosis, yet it is also fundamentally different from mitosis.The two stages of meiosis are meiosis I and meiosis II. At the end of the meiotic process, four daughter cells are produced. Each of the resulting daughter cells has one half of the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Before a dividing cell enters meiosis, it undergoes a period of growth called interphase.During interphase the cell increases in mass, synthesizes DNA and protein, and duplicates its chromosomes in preparation for cell division. Meiosis I Meiosis I encompasses four stages: Prophase I - chromosomes condense and begin migrating toward the metaphase plate. Metaphase I - chromosomes align at the metaphase plate. Anaphase I - homologous chromosomes separate and move toward opposite cell poles. Telophase I - cytoplasm divides producing two cells with a haploid number of chromosomes. Sister chromatids remain together. Meiosis II Meiosis II encompasses four stages: Prophase II - chromosomes begin migrating to the metaphase II plate. Metaphase II - chromosomes align at the metaphase II plate. Anaphase II - sister chromatids separate and begin moving to opposite ends of the cell. Telophase II - new nuclei form around daughter chromosomes and the cytoplasm divides. At the end of meiosis II, four daughter cells are produced. Each of these resulting daughter cells is haploid. Meiosis ensures that the correct number of chromosomes per cell is preserved during sexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction, haploid gametes unite to form a diploid cell called a zygote. In humans, male and female sex cells contain 23 chromosomes and all other cells contain 46 chromosomes. After fertilization, the zygote contains two sets of chromosomes for a total of 46. Meiosis also ensures that genetic variation occurs through genetic recombination that happens between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Stages, Diagrams, and Quiz OverviewStages of MeiosisMeiosis DiagramsGlossary of TermsQuiz Next Stages of Meiosis

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig Van Beethoven Essay

Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig Van Beethoven - Essay Example Though their lifetimes were relatively close compared to many other composers they lived during different musical times and significantly influenced those styles. Bach's career is best known for his sacred and secular work. His work is considered to encompass all of the Baroque style. While Bach did not introduce any new musical ideas to the Baroque period his work did embrace all that was the Baroque style, though some of his choices can be considered extreme. For example his notation of the complete melodic line, including all flourishes, performers during the Baroque period were presented with the base of the melody and included their own flourishes (Wolffe, C. 381-389). Beethoven music was considered to be extremely important for the transition from the classical to romantic style. His work can be separated into three periods; early (classical period), middle (Heroic period) and late (Romantic period) (Kerman, J., 89-92). Both composers composed many religious works but their utilization of religion and music differs. Much of Bach's work is written for the church or based on religion and he closely tied is music and text. A few examples of this are his motifs in the cantata Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit. The slow repeating notes in the start of the piece Jesus' slow, labored walk as we carried the cross. He also uses many octave leaps, which represent the relationship between heaven and earth. There is also symbolism in his work that is not directly related to the performance. The variation in instrumentation and vocal parts during Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen of St. Matthew's Passion can be seen by some as to form a cross (Wolff, C., 298-303). Beethoven also wrote many religious pieces but his attachment to the church is somewhat less intense than Bach's. Beethoven's religious beliefs are highly debated and though he was raised a roman catholic. While he wrote pieces for the catholic church, the Mass in C and Missa Solemnis being the most famous. The Missa Solemnis was composed in compliance with the standard Musical Catholic Mass. Some of his other work, most notably the ninth symphony contained refers to God and also mythological stories, he refers to the "Elysium" fields (Forbes, E., 880-929). The contribution of Beethoven's works that are considered to be a transition between the classical and romantic styles is his middle or romantic period. His heroic works, which include The Eroica, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eight Symphonies, String quartets 7-11, the Waldstein and Appasionata piano sonatas, and the opera Fidelio, are considered to have extended to scope of classical music. Much of his early period work was based or influenced from Mozart and Hadyn. His middle period work where hugely demanding on the performers. At the time the playing levels of musicians were not consistent as most musical endeavors were sponsored or funded by private individuals. Large symphony orchestras like the New York Philharmonic that play together constantly had not been formed yet. Bach's music did not cause a change in musical styles. Instead his work encompassed much of the Baroque style by bringing his music to a new level. He is noted for his use of contrapuntal technique (the relationship between two or more voices that are independent in rhyme and contour but have harmonic association), his harmonic and melodic structure from a small to large scale, and his incorporation

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19

Economics - Essay Example Will has to invest to raise the amount of visitors entering his website. Will has to log of the amount of traffic the website receives on a daily basis and compare it to the sales generated each day. Three months is adequate trial period. Will has to spend money hiring an online expert to increase the online traffic the online store receives. After the trial period Will has several options. He can raise the price of his items by $5 each and test for a month if the demand for the products changes. It is possible that it might stay the same and that way the company can raise his overall profits. Another strategy which is my primary recommendations is to lower the prices of both types of products. According to the law of demand and supply when a manufacturer lowers the price of the product the demand increases. I would start with low price increase of $2 on the non-copyright material and $1 on the copyrighted material. The cheaper product can have a higher price reduction because there are no variable costs associated with them. In the case of copyright material there is a $5 royalty fee to consider. After a period of three months I would evaluate the results to then move forward with a more aggressive discounting strategy of final sales prices of $5 and $12. The most likely scenario is that if Will increases his online mar keting budget and reduces the price of the product the revenues of the company should reached the $100,000 revenue per year benchmark in a short period of time. The sky is the limit for this innovate product created by Mr.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The importance of learning Essay Example for Free

The importance of learning Essay The importance of learning is not caged around the four corners of a classroom. Surely we do not want to be the stereotype of an out-of-touch scholar, at home among abstractions but bewildered by the mention of reality. Or the student, who, after four-five years of studying in a university, asks, â€Å"Where’s the clinic? † With the hardships that a student experiences (poverty, isolation in study, underworked muscles, deadlines, and projects), there must be an outlet in which he could forget and enjoy, at least temporarily. Joining an organization that offers learning through recreation and other extra-curricular activities could be an effective outlet. Extra-curricular activities like joining an organization would help you boost your confidence. In charismatic groups, they don’t just pray and praise. They sing, dance, read, go camping, and do lots of other stuff that involves fun. But many are not able to use their talents for the simple reason that they have not even discovered yet where and how to reveal them. An organization is the perfect place that could help you expose your talents. More so, it gives you a sense of belonging, a feeling that says, â€Å"Ah, so here’s the flock that I should fly with! † Fraternities and sororities can be an option, since they promise protection and support from brothers and sisters. Be careful to choose the right ones, though. Therefore, it is important that you do not restrict yourself in one corner. Move on to the larger scope of things. To develop fully as individual and become well rounded person, one must discover his or her potentials and share them to others. And what better way than to join extra-curricular activities! Of course, joining an organization or group entails the hardships in managing time and adjusting to a new group of people. But then, if you love the group you are in or are interested in improving yourself, all these problems could not possibly overshadow the fun and the lessons you’ll learn. The Student Accountancy Society is one of the busiest organizations in the University of Northern Illinois. Yet it is just amazing how these accounting students still manage to keep up with their studies, get remarkably high grades, and at the same time excel in different extra-curricular activities. â€Å"It is a matter of time management and setting priorities. It is difficult, because sometimes you have to sacrifice your studies if needed in the organization,† says the one member of the group. However, despite his hectic schedule, he sees to it that he catches up on whatever he would miss in his classes. It is no joke being in an organization because they have other things to do aside from their ordinary student life: accounting seminars, quiz bowls for different levels, tutorial sessions before major exams, outreach programs, book assistance and others. Since learning is not only achieved inside the four walls of the classroom some of our very own accounting students â€Å"go out to the world† and stand out bringing a good name to the school. But behind the glory and high reputation is the struggle of every accounting student to survive. He has no assurance until where and when he’d last in the â€Å"battle. † According to some professors however, IQ is not the only thing that matters in the working but EQ as well, and that the department aims to form the students holistically and not just academically; hence, students are enjoined to get involved in sports, public, speaking, and others. Accounting students often get the impression of being so much focused and are so serious that they do not have time for fun. Well, actually they do. They have this Meet the Intern Night that they hold once a year which is a in a way, encouraging Accounting freshmen to be part of the group. It is also the time when different levels show their talents and compete in different fields. At the forefront of the university is a student. No amount of forced hypnosis, teaching methodology or subtle encouragement could sway him in finding or nor finding any meaning to, say, a seminar with the internationally acclaimed with an internationally acclaimed speaker. He should be the one to look for motivation and self-esteem; he should be the one to impose volunteerism and creativity; he should be the one to regulate the daily dragging routine of a true leader who shuns leadership, opportunity, work and achievements. The students should be the ones to drum on their head s the importance of extra-curricular activities, the purpose of student body or the meaning of a student organization. Work Cited â€Å"Extra-curricular activities. † 2008. Collegeboard. com, Inc. 16 October 2008 http://www. collegeboard. com/student/plan/high-school/113. html

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Skills and Science of Doctoring Essay -- Medicine Medical Health Essay

Skills and Science of Doctoring â€Å"Students, like all human beings, have a moral obligation to prevent serious harm when they can do so at little risk or cost to themselves† (Primum non tacere). I agree that a medical student, more than the average citizen, has an obligation to service all people, regardless of nationality, religion, or sexuality. However, medical students are in contact with ill patients more than the average citizen and this constant interaction with the sick make medical students more susceptible to acquiring disease. This fact alone increases the fear that a medical student has about treating certain illnesses, and it may cause him to deny treatment to a sub-population of patients with a specific illness. You might be wondering whether such a denial is ethical, and according to the American Disabilities Act, physicians cannot discriminate against a subset of patients with a specific illness simply because they (physicians) are fearful of acquiring the disease. Withholding treatm ent from a select group of patients on the basis of fear is unlawful for a physician, and perhaps even unethical. Is it, however, unethical for a medical student to withhold treatment simply because of fear? The American Disabilities Act does not mention medical students, and the title â€Å"medical student† is not synonymous with the title â€Å"physician†, so students, unlike physicians, are not bound by the law to serve any ill patient. The law and ethics, however, don’t always coincide, so let us evaluate a medical student’s choice of placing his well being over that of a patient. Medical students are on their way to becoming physicians. They are sometimes referred to as â€Å"physicians-in-training†, and as such, they should feel... ...ally, if this alternative doesn’t work, I think suppressing one’s fear is the next choice. It’s a difficult pill to swallow, since students are exposed to illnesses daily and don’t have enough knowledge or training to adequately protect themselves. In addition, fear is a powerful, natural emotion that is not easily ignored. However, students must learn medicine and they cannot always learn it on their terms. Hopefully, future third and fourth year medical students will have understanding supervisors, and if not, will have the strength to treat patients whose diseases they fear. If, however, you are a medical student who does not have either, my final suggestion to you would be to find a nice spot in the bathroom in which to hide. Works Cited Dwyer, James. Primum non tacere: An Ethics of Speaking Up: Hastings Center Report. 24, no.1, (1994) 13-18.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Scarlet Letter Intro Essay

In the sixteenth century. Puritans immigrated to America from Great Britain in order to get away spiritual persecution. and by the mid seventeenth century they had erected a good established society based on their theological beliefs. The Puritan faith was one of asceticism and geared towards religious devotedness instead than secular ownerships. Puritans followed stiff Torahs which seldom changed with clip. They besides had small tolerance for anyone who broke these Torahs. Persons who did go against these Torahs nevertheless. faced penalty on assorted degrees and would hold to turn out their penitence to themselves and society. The Scarlet Letter. set in mid seventeenth century Boston. portrays such signifiers of penitence from two positions. The writer. Nathaniel Hawthorne. constructs the secret plan to go around around the journey of penitence of two characters: Hester Prynne and Rev. Dimmesdale. Both characters have committed the profane wickedness of criminal conversation toget her. but merely Hester has been punished for it. whereas Dimmesdale has yet to be discovered for his engagement in the misbehavior. Hester’s terrible penalty is to transport the ageless load of the vermilion missive A. a symbol that apprises everyone of her position as an fornicator. and outcasts her from the remainder of society. Even though she is shunned by society. Hester still manages to commit Acts of the Apostless of repentance to expiate for her wickedness. However. Hester is non the lone character who seeks penitence ; Rev. Dimmesdale self-inflicts penalty as a signifier of repentance. Throughout the novel. both characters strive to accomplish true penitence. a feeling of compunction which comes from the psyche. Equally committed as they are to expiating for their wickedness. neither Hester nor Dimmesdale genuinely of all time make the province of penitence. Their failure to accomplish true penitence can be perceived through their similar ends of repentance and their different signifiers of penalty. Through the class of the novel. Hawthorne invariably evinces analogues and similiarities between the journeys of repentance of both Hester and Dimmesdale. Both journeys for penitence terminal in the same topographic point ; failure to experience compunction for their wickedness. In chapter 17. Hawthorne eventually brings Hester and Dimmesdale together in an confidant puting since their committing of criminal conversation. A actual and metaphorical symbol of their parallel journey. The lovers meet up in the wood. a dark topographic point symbolic of immorality. to talk in private for the first clip in old ages about their programs for the hereafter. Throughout the novel the reader has been able to track the Acts of the Apostless of repentance. nevertheless. it has ne'er been obviously stated that these Acts of the Apostless of repentance have been in vain and no true penitence has come from them. Hawthorne decides that in this chapter both characters will blatantly province their fail ure to repent. In this chapter. Hester states to Dimmesdale. â€Å"What we did had a consecration of its own† ( 203 ) . Hester has non merely failed to atone at this point. but she has besides stated that their criminal conversation has had a valid intent. Due to the fact that Pearl has come out of their fornication. she has non wronged in saying this but. any person who has genuinely repented for their action would be excessively contrite to warrant their misbehavior. Literary critic. Samuel Chase Coale. summarizes Hester’s vain journey for penitence by composing that â€Å"her public show of sorrow and repentance†¦ is in world a hollow rite. non echt penitence† ( Coale 37 ) . In analogue. Dimmesdale admits his deficiency of sorrow for his criminal conversation with Hester. Of the two. Dimmesdale journey has been the most strict in repentance. yet. like Hester. his journey of repentance has ended in failure. He openly admits. â€Å"Of repentance. I have had adequate! Of repentance. there has been none! † ( 200 ) . Dimmesdale does non experience the least spot regretful for his wickedness with Hester. Hawthorne parallels their journey for the end of penitence for 17 chapters. until he eventually brings about their ultimate failure. This length of clip allowed the reader to see two similar. coincident journeys which finally ends literally and metaphorically in one topographic point. failure in the wood. a topographic point of immorality. wickedness. and insincere repentance. Although both Hester and Dimmesdale have had a similiar end of true penitence. the inside informations of their journey are wholly different. Hawthorne structures the novel like this for assorted ground. the most obvious being redundancy. If Hawthorne had made Dimmesdale’s and Hester’s journey precisely likewise. the narrative would look highly excess and would lose the involvement of the reader. On the other manus. Hawthorne creates this contrast in their journeys in order to set up some societal commentary. He establishes a journey of repentance through two different struggles. individual vs. society and individual vs. ego. Hester repentance. of class. is established through individual vs. society. â€Å"Spatial relationships. those based on the arrangement of images within the text. uncover a set of constructions and codifications that embody the societal organisation of a community. both in footings of its political orientation and its civilization. How one is seen and for what reasons–and what is being seen–suggest the nature of societal powers at work in early Boston. Therefore when Hester emerges from the prison to stand â€Å"fully revealed† ( 52 ) before the crowd. she is traveling from enclosed darkness to open sunlight. from the present enclosure of her offense into the public regard that has branded her a felon. Hawthorne has made so much of the prison to get down with. nevertheless. that no affair how cherished â€Å"the unfastened air† now seems. to step from that prison and mount the scaffold is to travel from one enclosed infinite to another. each underscored by â€Å"the whole blue badness of the Puritanic codification of law† ( 52 ) as embodied in the people and the magistrates who fasten their â€Å"thousand unrelenting eyes† ( 57 ) upon her. Their eyes go our eyes. for we as readers are as interested in detecting the spectacle. in order to understand precisely what is traveling on. as they are. although unlike us they do so assured of justness in their regard. † In contrast. Dimmesdale. faces interna l struggle in the signifier of individual vs. ego. He self inflicts anguish as a signifier of his repentance in an effort to repent. Both supporter. Hester and Dimmesdale have failed to make a similar end of true penitence through really distinguishable journeys.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Marketing Assignment on Apple

Marketing Principles Task B 24 – 11 – 11 By Ayesh Goburdhun A. Define your product The product chosen for this assignment will be a laptop, the Macbook Pro by Apple. The product is a personal computer that can be used for communicating with people or whoever, working on different kinds of software, listening to music and mostly to go on the Internet with the rising of the social networking websites. Apple Computers Inc. s an American multinational corporation, who was established in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. Steve Jobs, the Chairman and CEO of Apple is one of the world’s most successful businessmen today, his management style and his charisma brought the firm from a starting company to a global force to be reckoned with. Apple Computers Inc. designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad.To describe further the product, we have to answer to the question: What is the consumer really buying  ? The Macbook pro is based on superior quality materials that will allow faster actions and will permit the entertainment of its users over time without being bored and can be classified as a premium category of products that are not easily affordable. The Macbook Pro is based on the newest technologies on the market; it offers the best design of any kind of computers or portable engine that are actually called â€Å"innovative† on the market.So, we can say that the Macbook Pro offers great satisfactions to its customers and further, it is composed of usefull softwares that are already integrated and very powerful. The Macintosh comes with the latest brand of Operating System that the company developped in the past decades to improve the pleasure of the users, so that they woudn’t be outdated. Moreover, the Laptop is compatible with all devices at home, based on a new technology called â€Å"plug n play†, no complicated installations are required and the system works with any kind of operating system already install, even competitors.When people think about Apple and Mac they automatically think and talk about a problem-solving product, indeed, the Laptop offers a level of security that haven’t been hacked yet whereas its major competitor: Windows, the first provider of personal computers on the market. It is, of course, implied that the Macbook is running on the tardiest best performing computers’ components. Because the company builds both the computer and the software that comes with it, reliability is the first purpose, this means that a Macbook rarely freezes or crashes.Occasionally an application might quit, but it won’t affect the rest of the system. And the operating system resists mostly to anything, so everyone can do anything without worrying about losing everything. Apple Computer Inc. distributing the product proposes a variety of sizes and styling; the Macintosh Laptop is totally customizable and is forming part of the high standing computers on the actual market. For example, ladies could easily tend to buy pink Macbooks contrary to gentlemen who will choose the white or gray one.In addition, when people decide to buy a laptop they are principally attracted to the brand name, in this case, Apple that represents a very fashionish and stylish brand with a various types of stunning adverts and commercials. The packaging of the Apple brand is also one of the best in the market; it represents clearly the brand and adds an extra â€Å"something† to ensure the pleasure and delightfullness of the buyers opening the product bought.It is considered that Apple’s after sales service is one of the best, worlwidely speaking, indeed, the warranty applicable for each Apple products can be extended as much as the consumer wants or needs to. Further, when an Apple product is b roken the after sales service comes and replaces or repairs the item immediately if it is available in the stock. This is the principal reason why Apple is so good in the after sales services contrary to other competitors in the same sector.To classify the laptop, we can say that it forms part of a durable and tangible product, it can be used over and over with a great warranty period, and marketers would classify the Macbook Pro as a consumer product used for personal consumption. B. Provide and critically analyze definitions and components of segmentation Market segmentation can be define as the segmentation of markets into homogenous groups of customers, each of them reacting differently to promotion, communication, pricing and other variables of the marketing mix.Market segments should be formed in that way that differences between buyers within each segment are as small as possible. Thus, every segment can be addressed with an individually targeted marketing mix. Market segment ation is also an adaptive strategy, it consists of the partition of the market with the purpose of selecting one or more market segments which the organization can target through the development of specific marketing mixes that adapt to particular market needs.According to Kotler, P (1999), market segmentation means â€Å"the act of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who might require separate products and/or marketing mixes. † According to William J. Stanton, ‘Market segmentation is the process of dividing the total heterogeneous market for a good or service into several segments. Each of which tends to be homogeneous in all significant aspects. ’ In brief, market segmentation is important not only for creating consumers but also for satisfying them.Market segmentation helps matching the market opportunities to the resources of the corporations and enables them to face market competition effectively. For example, for the personal computers market t here are two segments, desktop computers and laptops. As for the desktop ones, they are mostly used by bureaucratic administration because they are less expensive for the same characteristics. Moreover, gamers also use desktop computers due to their fully customizable and upgradable components, whereas the laptops, which are considered as more mobile and practical, used principally by businessmen and tudents. In the segmentation of laptop, they are multipurpose laptops, multimedia laptops and laptops based on performance. In general, multimedia laptops are used to satisfy lower demands of customers who do not want to invest a huge amount of money because the demand is just for multimedia using like listenning to music, organizing pictures and web surfing. The components of this kind of laptop will be creating directly by the enterprise without subcontracting.Furthermore, multipurpose laptops are viewed as the middle class computers; they are principally used with basic softwares, fo r web surfing and all the multimedia stuff. The companies who build multipurpose laptops, used by middle class peoples, tend to subcontract in order to offer better performances and quality. Finally, the premium laptops are answering the demand of engineers, designers and professional who are in the need of very powerful and qualified product either for their work or their personal use.The characteritics of those laptops are generally a mix of components of the best-specialized industries on the market; this is why such laptops are very expensive. Niche markets are also present on the marketplace, answers to very high specific demands and tries to differentiate the company with its competitors. These markets are very small but the profit is real. In Mauritius, personal coaches are an example of niche marketing, concerning laptops; the Alienware brand is a niche market specialized to satisfy â€Å"hardcore† gamers.Concerning the Apple brand, we can talk about a geographic segm entation. For the line of Macintosh products, it can be segmented into regions; the company will not try to sell expensive laptops in poor countries such as Somalia or Afghanistan where the demand of theses products is totally nil. They will focus on ways to sell the product in big capitals or cities like New York, Paris or London, where the demand is constantly growing up. Shops, called Apple Store or iShops, are going to represent Apple worldwidely and has to fit in big commercials centers, or big buildings with great standards.All of these shops need to have the same organization, layouts, services and of course, same products. The client needs the impressions that they are communicating directly with Apple and not with a subcontracting agent. For example in Mauritius, Apple is franchised by Leal communications and informatics and the logo of the brand is not present in the Apple store shop based in Mauritius. The buyer must communicate directly with Apple and not with Leal (exce pt for after sales issues).The demographic segmentation is very important for the company, indeed, it will depends a lot on the age, gender, sexual orientation, family etc†¦We can assume that, as we saw before, persons that have a more feminine personnalities tend to buy Macbooks with pink colours. In addition, the age is a major factor, where students and young persons are more attracted to laptop such as the Macbook, whereas the elderlies who would prefer buying more expensive desktop towers, for example the iMac. It is clearly segmented in the way that Apple will try to sell Laptops, mp3s to the 18-30 and Tvs, iMac to elders +35.The enterprise is also willing to target wealthy persons, undoubtedly the products provided by them are classified as quite expensive and premium due to its very powerful components and noble made materials. As we saw earlier, the Macbook Pro is categorized in a high-standard category so the income and the psychographic segmentations are also importa nt where persons with extroverted personalites, fashion addicts and wealthy persons are targeted. People looking for the Macbook are persons willing for an advantages of buying it.If the product does not propose any kinds of benefits comparing to its competitors it won’t convice these persons for buying the product. The laptop presents a load of benefits like fully customizable, virusless, plug n play system etc†¦ Marketers assume that some customers are completely loyal to the brand that they like, they buy one brand all the time. Apple is one of the best example for these kind of buyers, indeed, the Apple fans are regardless of the functions or capacity of any kind of the Apple line of product, they are totally in confidence and are not affraid to pay whatever the price could be.They are almost waiting weeks in front of an Apple Store in order to be the first one to obtain a new Apple made product. This loyality is very rare but can be understand by the fact that the c ompany is very successful. In the recent years, Apple’s product are being seen by peolple as a brand of wealthiness and reliability. However, the segmentation is principally based on the demand of the customers and we can assume that this demand will grow in the coming years but if it is not there won’t be any kind of segmentations. Some market segments can disappear due to the evolution of the demand.For example, in the mail delivery market, some segments like post letter delivery services are starting to disappear due to a very fast growth of electronical technologies such as mailing, chatting, messaging etc†¦ Further, segmentation is impossible when  : 1. The size of the market is too small. 2. A brand is a dominant brand in the market. 3. More number of people falls in the same category. 4. The advertisement of each kind of product is too expensive. 5. The informations accumulated are completely wrong. C. Provide definitions and state the importance of targe ting and apply the concept to your productKotler, P (1999), stated that ‘target markets are a set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve’. After a company has defined market segments, it can enter one or many segments of a given market. Kotler, P (1999), also says that ‘market targeting involves evaluating each market segment's attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter a company should target segments in which it has a differential advantage over its competitors; where it can generate the greatest customer value and sustain it over time. A company with limited resources might decide to serve only one or a few special segments; this strategy limits sales, but can be very profitable. Kotler, P (2002) stated that, to provide for a good market targeting, the firm has to evaluate the various segments and decide which ones to target. A principal concept in target marketing is that those who are targeted show a strong affinity or  brand loyalty  to that particular  brand. Target Marketing allows the marketer / sales team to customize their message to the targeted group of consumers in a more focused manner.In order to perform a good targeting, we have to answer to the questions: Who are our customers? Who will buy our product? And how segmentations will help us doing it ? To target the consumers we can say that Apple Computers Inc. is a company present on the national and the international scope, its target are all over the world. It is considered that the customers of the Apple products will look for these goods in new commercial centers and big buildings with great standards, in the nearest cities where they will find Apple Stores and iShops that are specialized boutiques.The target here will focus on persons living in cities and more urban regions where their concerns are more important. Apple is using a distribution channel based on self-providing, indeed, they do franchise the ir brand but, as we viewed earlier, they tend to limit the presence of the company that they are working with and so focus on themselves for easier targeting. For example: if companies are targeting young people, advertising should be done on specialized web sites or magazines for young people, The Times or The Independent aren’t good choices. Apple is marketing to people who have a few characteristics: Middle/Upper income persons that are willing to pay a bit more for a better user experience. Paying 1000 â‚ ¬ or more for a computer is not a huge deal if they have a decent income. * People who like to have fun with technology. No other platform offers as many entry-level tools. This includes people who like to shoot a lot of digital photos or video. It's the whole digital hub concept. People are starting to buy into it. * Music enthusiasts and fans aged from 12-35. * Professionals in media and design and engineers. Shops are going to represent Apple worldwidely it has to be in big ommercials centers with great standards of quality and hygiene. All the shops need to have the same organization, layouts, services and product. The client need the impressions that they are communicating directly with apple and not with a subcontracting agent. They are targeting people that can afford buying products in those premium places. Promotions are proposed nationally and internationnally with the  «Ã‚  apple standards  Ã‚ » by the representants. Billboards, flyers, e-mails and quite stunning adverts are ways to target families, students or professional photographs.However, there is a very controversial approach that could be discussed in the target market of the company chosen. Indeed, we can say that Apple do not target markets they target people. For example, Apple has never marketed Macs to enterprise customers, and only hired a very small sales crew to sell to such customers, but they have  been advertising the Macbook and its business-related applicati ons in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and other business-friendly publications. Apple does not seem to target markets in the way other companies do. It targets people.It focuses on users. And Apple lets them decide how and where they’ll use the products. This is how great companies are built: they focus on individuals and build exceptional products for them; they let these individuals determine how best is to make use of the new technology provided. D. Provide definitions and need for positionning and apply it to your product. After a company has decided which market segments to enter, they must decide what ‘position' they want to occupy in those segments. A product's position is the place where the product occupies the consumers' minds.If a product were perceived to be exactly like another product on the market, consumers would have no reason to buy it. Market positioning gives a product a clear, distinctive and desirable place in the minds of target consumers compared with competing products. Marketers plan positions that distinguish their products from competing brands and give them the greatest strategic advantage in their target markets. Market  positioning  is the manipulation of a brand or family of brands to create a positive perception in the eyes of the public.If a product is well positioned, it will have strong sales, and it may become the go-to brand for people who need that particular product. Positioning is no doubt the single most important aspect of marketing in the globally competitive market place. With capitalism gaining popularity in most countries of the world, competition has increased greatly. A company not only needs to fight rivals in the local market. It also has to equip itself to compete against the world’s best companies. Companies are improving their products and offering them at competitive prices.A good quality product is no longer a guarantee for success. Positioning has to be managed a t every point where the customer comes in contact with the company, from personal sales to online communication to telephonic interaction. This is the only effective way of avoiding any confusion about the product in the mind of the customer. So what has Apple done in recent history to the Macintosh product line to demonstrate this premium positioning? It is widely recognized that Apple is a premium brand that demands and earns a price premium.This price premium spans the entire Apple product lineup with the Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, software, and accessories. Apple's positioning is aligned with targeting a less price sensitive customer. As a result, Apple's culture and internal activities are structured to meet the needs of these customers, strategists call this needs-based positioning. Apple has thus created a culture and a set of activities to differentiate themselves from rivals in order to meet the needs of their target customers.Apple has positioned itself to a certain type of customer, wealthy people, innovators, people with good jobs, good lifestyle, etc. If Apple targets the poor man type, the trendy guys will stop buying Apples, because everybody can and Apple is not the Porsche of the computers anymore, this would hurt more the brand than maybe the increasing sales because of lower prices, and in good times, where everybody has more money, Apple would have the problem that they cannot rise prices, because everybody expects a cheap Apple product.If Apple were to attempt to compete for all customer segments, it would have to lower product prices. The danger with such an approach is that it would not only undermine and erode the company's premium brand image but it would also undermine the company's culture and internal activities. Each new Mac revision has either maintained or been subjected to modest price increase while Apple has simultaneously improved product features. A few examples include the introduction of the unibody MacBook and MacBook Pro, larger displays on the iMac, and the replacement of the 599â‚ ¬ Mac mini with a higher priced (999â‚ ¬) model.Years| Sales in Million| |   | 2006| 5,200,000. 00| 2007| 6,905,000. 00| 2008| 9,550,000. 00| 2009| 10,350,000. 00| 2010| 13,425,000. 00| 2011| 7,770,000. 00| 1. From 2006 to 2007 the Macbook Pro is in development process. 2. From 2007 to 2008, Apple introduces the product. 3. From 2008 to 2009, it is the growth of the laptop. 4. From 2009 to 2010, the Macintosh observes its maturity period. 5. And finally, from 2010 to 2011 the curve is starting to decline.REFERENCING Kotler, P (et. Al. ), Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall Europe, 1999 Kotler, P (et. Al. ), Marketing Management, Prentice Hall Europe, 2002 William J. Stanton,  Fundamentals of marketing, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964 Apple website viewed on the 18th November, http://www. apple. com Apple website viewed on the 19th November, http://www. apple. com/why-mac/ Google website viewed on the 20, 21 and the 22nd of November, www. google. com Elmer-DeWitt P, April 9, 2011 11:56 AM, How many Macs did Apple sell last quarter, viewed on the 20th November, http://tech. fortune. cnn. com/2011/04/09/how-many-macs-did-apple-sell-last-quarter/

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Cape Fear Psychological Review essays

Cape Fear Psychological Review essays Martin Scorseses Cape Fear is a remake of the 1962 classic by Robert Mitchum. The movie is about a lawyer and his family tormented by a homicidal maniac who blames the man for his many years spent in prison. The prisoner, played by Robert De Niro, spends all of his time tormenting the lawyer, Nick Nolte. De Niros character Max Cady was charged with rape of a 16-year-old girl. At the time of the trial, Noltes character Sam, received evidence that would have gotten Cady off. Sam could not bear to let Cady off, knowing that he had done such a thing to this young girl. While in prison, Cady learned to read, and taught himself the law. He came to realize what Sam had done to him. After 14 years of imprisonment, he comes out seeking vengeance on Sam Bowden. Sam, his wife Leigh, and daughter Danny, all becomes victim to Cadys games. From scene to scene, you never see Cady actually acting out towards the Bowdens, but you just know that he was behind the horror. Throughout the movi e, Cadys psychological disorders become quite evident. Although the movie starts with Cady leaving prison, his psychological problems began before his release from prison. Fourteen years before the movie takes place, Sam Bowden did something wrong as a lawyer. He was paid to be a defense attorney. One of the obligations that a lawyer has towards his client is to represent him by the best of their ability. Sam Bowden failed to do so. He buried the only evidence that would have gotten his client off. Sam knew that Cady could not read, and he did not think that it would be such a big deal if he did this. While this may make a defense attorney a bad lawyer, he felt that he could not ethically let Cady go. Knowing that Cady had done the crime, and had previously beaten the system two other times, Sam felt he should go to jail. Unfortunately, for Sam, Cady learned to read in prison. He educated himself so much that ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

London Dispersion Force Definition

London Dispersion Force Definition London dispersion force is a weak intermolecular force between two atoms or molecules in close proximity to  each other. The force is a quantum force generated by electron repulsion between the electron clouds of two atoms or molecules as they approach each other. The London dispersion force is the weakest of the van der Waals forces and is the force that causes nonpolar atoms or molecules to condense into liquids or solids as temperature is lowered.  Ã‚  Even though it is weak, of the three van der Waals forces (orientation, induction, dispersion), the dispersion forces are usually dominant. The exception is for small, readily polarized molecules (e.g., water). The force gets its name because Fritz London first explained how noble gas atoms could be attracted to each other in 1930. His explanation was based on second-order perturbation theory. Also Known As: London forces, LDF, dispersion forces, instantaneous dipole forces, induced dipole forces. London dispersion forces may sometimes be loosely referred to as van der Waals forces. What Causes London Dispersion Forces? When you think of electrons around an atom, you probably picture tiny moving dots, spaced equally around the atomic nucleus. However, electrons are always in motion, and sometimes there are more on one side of an atom than on the other. This happens around any atom, but its more pronounced in compounds because electrons feel the attractive pull of the protons of neighboring atoms. The electrons from two atoms can be arranged such that they produce temporary (instantaneous) electric dipoles. Even though the polarization is temporary, its enough to affect the way atoms and molecules interact with each other. London Dispersion Force Facts Dispersion forces occur between all atoms and molecules. It doesnt matter whether they are polar or nonpolar. The forces come into play when the molecules are very close to each other. However, London dispersion forces are generally stronger between easily polarized molecules and weaker between molecules that are not easily polarized.The magnitude of the force is related to the size of the molecule. Dispersion forces are stronger for larger and heavier atoms and molecules than for smaller and lighter ones. This is because the valence electrons are further away from the nucleus in large atoms/molecules than in small ones, so they are not as tightly bound to the protons.The shape or conformation of a molecule affects its polarizability. Its like fitting together blocks or playing Tetris. Some shapes will naturally line up better than others. Consequences of London Dispersion Forces The polarizability affects how easily atoms and molecules form bonds with each other, so it also affects properties such as melting point and boiling point. For example, if you consider Cl2 and Br2, you might expect the two compounds to behave similarly because they are both halogens. Yet, chlorine is a gas at room temperature, while bromine is a liquid. Why? The London dispersion forces between the larger bromine atoms bring  them close enough to form a liquid, while the smaller chlorine atoms have enough energy for the molecule to remain gaseous.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Juvenile Delinquent after Care Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Juvenile Delinquent after Care Program - Essay Example Such programs also help in making the youth productive and socially responsible citizens of the society. Purpose of Juvenile Delinquent Program: The sole purpose of juvenile delinquent program is to support and guide the delinquent youth with the best guidance and resources available. This will help them play a better role in the society and to become a more productive citizen. Intervention programs have to be innovative and effective in their nature. It has been observed that early and on-time intervention helps in reducing the rate of juvenile delinquency. The more a program is community and family based, the more effective it becomes in its application. Vision: This program is designed to help and support the morally and socially degraded youngsters who want to transform and re-shape their lives and want to get rid of their self-defeating attitudes. This program is focused towards bringing the change in their lives by empowering them with education, skills, counseling and unlimite d support. Mission: The mission of this juvenile delinquent program is to help the young offenders in becoming responsible citizens of the society. The duration of the program depends on the nature and the seriousness of the offense committed by the young offenders which can vary from few months to a year. ... Structure of the Program: Many aftercare programs have turned unsuccessful due to many reasons. Effectiveness of a program lies in drawing the perfect alignment between the program, the offender and the available sources. The program has especially focused on those young kids who are at high risk of becoming repeated young offenders due to various factors such as close association with negative peer groups, broken family and those have found out having a disruptive behavior at school. This program is especially designed to focus and address the problems of the young kids and works effectively on the factors that contribute together and give rise to delinquent offenders. This program requires offenders to stay at the aftercare facility during their probation period and every individual is monitored by a specially trained officers, counselors and psychotherapists. The program provides counseling and medical services. The program helps the young offenders to make their smooth transition back into their communities. This program bridges the gap between the community and the offenders. This also helps the young offenders to heal themselves spiritually through their religion. The program focuses on basic education along with providing training on different skills as preferred by the individual. This program is also focused on addressing different issues that might be the cause of an individual’s disruptive behavior such as family issues, broken link with community or religion. Our program coordinators have emphasized on developing sound and smooth communication flow among offenders and their parents as well as other social networks are also included. Target Population: It has